Sunday, April 12, 2009

Spring on Campus

Spring has finally sprung here on Campus. The flowers are beautiful and the trees are "a-bloomin thar pretty little heads off." It is really a lovely campus and the Maintenance dept is always working to keep it pretty. They do a great job.

Today it was a cold and rainy, but hopefully it will warm up a little. I just don't want the weather to be cool, then "hello" summer is here!! I dislike the idea of the weather growing warmer then suddenly it is hot, hot, hot.

My favorite season is fall, because it does take a long time for winter to show up. Beautiful sunny days, and some cooler days gives fall a long life. But right now it is spring and it seems like winter hopefully is just a memory. Is it just me or was winter way colder and lasting longer than in the past?

We have some beautiful flowers, and a student worker brought these in from a banquet for business majors. I get all kinds of great freebies. They added a lot of color to my office area.

But my name plate keeps getting taken. I am not worried I know who does this, but it is an interesting place to work.

You know who you are.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh what fun! I love OBU in the spring!


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