Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 3 Camp Meme 2010

Day 3 has been a hard day for camp Meme.
Laundry had to be done, (Boys seem to attract dirt and stains.) I had to go into the office to work on immediate insurance issues and Obi had to go to a funeral.
But today we had a Mexican dinner with all kinds of great food.
When kids tell you they looooove a certain food, maybe you should check with their parent.
Pesto and Guacamole are both green, but totally different foods!

We went to the OBU library to get our books. They love the drawing books.
Our choice of a reading book is
"Yankee Batboy."

It looks like "Cousin It!"

Ah, it is Mi.

Reading time before bed.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Camp Meme Day 1 by Official Counting

Day 1 - official counting
Wy at the Ganster Museum in Hot Springs.

Mi and Judea in the lobby of the Fordyce Bath House

Taking a break at the Arlington Hotel

Climbling the rocks at the park.

I see rock climbing in someones future.

Wy and Obi look at the Baseball pictures at the Convention Center

A picnic and a concert at Wetherington Park

Maw & Paw enjoy the music.

Working on the pupet theatre.

Eating at the caf. One of their greatest treats!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Camp Meme 2010 begins

Camp Meme 2010 begins.

1st things 1st.
We must have Meme's scrumptious Mac & Cheese
Plus Miss Tanya's Blue Ribbon Sweet Ice Tea.
I do love how those boys can enjoy food.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Eve Day

Very pretty day. It was actually cloudy yesterday, but today is a bright and glorious day. So I used a happy picture.

I tooled around the house doing odds and ends, like fixing one of the many 'guns' in our house. This was after I cleaned out the closet. Threw away a lot of stuff. I know, I know it is the Christmas Miracle my family has been waiting for.

Got a call from Sharon Cosh about my immediate boss, Tricia Wempe giving birth the night before to a little girl, 13 days ahead of schedule. Ran right over to the hospital and took these pictures. 30 minutes, yes 30 minutes was how long her labor lasted. That is just so unfair.

Here is big sister Angelma holding baby sister Michaella. They are sticking with the Angel theme. Aren't they just adorable.
Went to the office to download these pictures so I could send them to the school staff, faculty, and students where we work. I especially wanted the internationals who we work with to know where their erstwhile leader will be for the next 3 months! Yikes. I gotta lotta work ahead of me.
Went grocery shopping- afraid it was going to snow, you know how us Southerners are about snow. We love it we just can't drive in it.
Fixed dinner of Chicken Fried Steak, Green Bean Casserole, Rice, Biscuits, & a fresh salad.
What was I thinking? I have enough food in my fridge, as my Granny Mary used to say, "for a log rolling." Just had to cook! didn't get a picture though!

Finished the Hoops & Yoyo paper Christmas Toy I started 2 weeks ago. It is all made of Card stock and glue. The instructions would blow most engineers minds. I lost the stockings that are supposed to go on the fireplace, because someone who was helping me cut them out lost them. You know who you are!

Finished the curtain I wanted to make for the kitchen door. Always felt a little odd, with that not covered.
Put the black eyed peas on to soak over night.
Watched TV and participated in New Years Eve


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